this is what i look like

Sam Sheehy

London, UK

Work Dossier

A Brainstorming App

05 June 2022 - REACT

I liked the format of a particular brainstorming session where participants come up with a big list of ideas, then go through them all and participants assigning votes to their favourites. When I came across PeerJS, I thought it would be well suited to create a peer-to-peer system where information didn’t need to pass through a server at all.

React React Router PeerJS

Sheehy Family Website

05 January 2022 - GITHUB PAGES

My family has put out a few newsletters over the last few years. They give us a medium to share oral history, genealogy research and more recent adventures with each other. For a while, we could only share them through email and social media, so I wanted to create a directory that we could easily share and access. Github Pages seemed an ideal solution!

Jekyll CSS Domain

nbconvert Example Template

05 August 2021 - PYPI

The Jupyter extension nbconvert allows users to export their notebooks as PDFs, slides, html documents, etc… and it is easy enough to create your own templates to use locally. On the other hand there was no clear documentation for publishing one’s own templates online and distributing them through This project serves as a minimal example of how one can accomplish this.


SIAM 100 Digit Challenge

13 June 2021 - GITHUB

The SIAM 100 Digit Challenge was a series of short yet very difficult problem statements first published in 2002 asking participants to calculate the numerical solution to various mathematical problems as accurately as possible. They seem like good ways to keep up my skills in my Scientific Computing degree, so I created a GitHub repo to record my solutions.

Numerical Methods HPC

The Sheehy Family Crest

16 May 2021 - MEDIUM

I knew my family name had an associated crest, but I always wondered where it came from. I did a little digging into the old Sheehy clan and the topic of heraldry, documenting the main points I learnt in this short essay.

Family History Writing Heraldry

CSS Essential Training

29 December 2020 - GITHUB

It was finally time for me to have some structured learning around CSS. My company recently signed us up to LinkedIn Learning, so it was the perfect opportunity to learn a bit more about how CSS works.

LinkedIn Learning CSS Front End

London House Prices

08 November 2020 - REACT

London is a big place. I was wondering where would be best to perhaps invest in some property one day, so I made a React app to visualize the UK’s Housing Price Index data

React OpenStreetMap GIS

Michael Cera or Jesse Eisenberg?

24 May 2020 - GOOGLE COLAB

Michael Cera and Jesse Eisenberg are two actors often confused with one another. This Google Colab notebook uses FastAI to train a neural network to differentiate between the two.

Computer Vision Deep Learning AI

So You Want to Learn Git

23 May 2020 - MEDIUM

There are lots of learning resources for Git online. This article is a little guide to getting started, outlining the main learning topics and pointing to some great online sources.

Git Writing

This Website

22 May 2020 - GITHUB

I needed a place where I could put all my work in one place, so I made this Jekyll site to act as a central location to link to other hubs.

Jekyll Bootstrap

Learn MNIST with Fastai

20 May 2020 - KAGGLE

This Kaggle-hosted Jupyter Notebook implements the Python FastAI deep learning library to recognise hand written digits.

Computer Vision AI Deep Learning